Monday 1 February 2010

Stars In My Eyes

    Music, Fame, Glamour.   It all sounded so wonderful, but it’s never quite what it seems...

    The future looked sweet for the group.   All the hard work was finally paying off and it wouldn’t be long before they hit the big time.   Then Frank dropped his bombshell...

    “There’s no point looking at me like that, Sarah.   I’m not going to change my mind.”
    Frank turned to the mirror and started brushing his hair.
    “But you can’t give up the group now!” I protested.
    My heart had almost stopped with shock when Frank told me.     He’d been acting quiet and withdrawn for a few weeks, but I’d never suspected anything like this.

    “Frank, please listen to me,” I went on when he didn’t take any notice.   “You’ve worked really hard to get the group where it is.   Rehearsals, sacrificing just about everything you’ve got to buy your guitar and stuff - now you’re on the verge of really making it big!   It’s stupid to throw it away!”

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